Events at the Bluebird Cafe


Brushes at the Bluebird

A perfect date night or time with friends

Thursday March 20th & Saturday March 29th will be our next painting night at the Bluebird Cafe. BrittLeeArt is an amazing teacher and even the most novice painter will leave with an amazing creation!

For $40 your ticket will include all painting supplies (just bring yourself!) and a drink from our full coffee/tea bar. We do off light snacks, beer and wine for an additional cost.

Space is limited to call or send an email using the form at the bottom if you have any questions and to reserve your spot today!

Check out our picture from last class at the bottom

Open Mic

Join us the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month from 7-10pm for our Open Mic nights! We have loaner guitars available or you can bring your own instrument/voice. Show off your talents and grab a drink while you’re here!

August Abundance

August Abundance Painting class was amazing! Look at these amazing creations! Don’t forget to check out our next painting night and reserve your spot!


March 16th Youth Event glenWOODSTOCK Teen Jam & Open Mic.

Teen Jam night Feb 16th 2024 Photo By: Cath Adams ( (Instagram @greggcathphoto)